Ayurveda in Sri Lanka| Traditional Medicine & Healing


Experience healing of the body, mind, and spirit in splendid Sri Lanka

“Ayurveda transcends the notion of merely being a transient wellness trend often seen in lavish spa treatments. This ancient form of alternative medicine boasts historical roots that stretch back over 5,000 years to the Indian subcontinent. The term ‘Ayurveda’ itself translates to ‘the knowledge of life,’ a profound body of wisdom believed to be divinely bestowed upon sages before being passed to human physicians. These practitioners have historically utilized this knowledge to care for the sick and enhance overall well-being.

Distinct from the massage traditions of other cultures, Ayurvedic massage is deeply rooted in the holistic assessment of the individual. Before the massage, a practitioner studies the client’s Prakruti (inherent constitution), closely examining the balance of the body’s bio-energies, the state of the digestive fire (Agni), and the presence of toxins (Ama). This careful evaluation informs the choice of the massage technique and the mediums—such as oils or powders—best suited for the individual.

Among the various techniques, Abhyanga, or the classical oil massage, stands out. Performed over the entire body, this massage can be administered either by a single therapist or by two in synchrony, enhancing the therapeutic effect through rhythm and pressure. The oil, chosen based on the client’s specific constitutional type, age, and health conditions, serves to nourish the body deeply.

The benefits of Abhyanga are extensive:

  • It strengthens muscles and joints, enhancing physical robustness.
  • It boosts vitality and stamina, mitigating fatigue from daily activities and mental stress.
  • It promotes deep and restorative sleep, which is crucial for both physical health and mental well-being.
  • It improves skin complexion and elasticity, aids in scar healing, and bolsters immunity against skin ailments.

Moreover, Ayurvedic massage plays a vital role in the prevention and correction of conditions predominantly caused by the imbalance of Vata. By improving blood circulation and facilitating the removal of waste products, the massage nurtures the skin, supports the healing of wounds, and contributes to overall rejuvenation (Rasayana).

Ayurvedic practices, including massage, thus represent not just therapeutic physical treatments but a comprehensive approach to lifelong health and vitality.”



“In Sri Lanka, the ancient roots of Ayurveda intertwine with the island’s rich historical tapestry, tracing back to mythical figures and revered kings. Among the most notable references is Ravana, the legendary prehistoric king of Lanka. Famed not only as a formidable ruler, Ravana is celebrated for his profound medical knowledge and mastery of Ayurvedic medicine. This historical connection highlights the deep-seated integration of Ayurveda into the cultural and spiritual fabric of the island.

Archaeological discoveries within the cultural triangle of Sri Lanka, particularly at various prehistoric burial sites, provide compelling evidence of the early practice of Ayurveda by the island’s inhabitants. These findings underscore a longstanding tradition of herbal medicine and holistic health practices that have been integral to Sri Lankan life for millennia.

The ancient chronicles of Sri Lanka, the Mahavamsa and Chulavamsa, serve as vital historical texts that document the life and times of the island’s rulers. These texts reveal that many ancient kings were ardent proponents of Ayurveda, actively promoting and enhancing its practice throughout the kingdom. Their commitment helped establish Ayurveda as a cornerstone of national health and wellness.

In the practice of Ayurveda in Sri Lanka, there is a special focus on balancing the three doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha. These elemental energies or bodily humors are believed to influence all physical and mental processes. Ayurvedic wisdom holds that health is maintained through the equilibrium of these doshas, while their imbalance leads to disease. Through dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and body treatments, Ayurvedic practitioners strive to restore this balance, aiming to prevent illness and promote a vibrant, healthy life.

This holistic approach, deeply rooted in the ancient wisdom passed down through generations, continues to thrive in Sri Lanka, offering insights into a sustainable, natural way of achieving wellness and harmony.”




“The advent of European colonizers and the introduction of Western medicine in the 16th century marked a decline in the prominence of Ayurveda within Sri Lanka. This traditional form of medicine, which had been woven into the fabric of Sri Lankan culture for millennia, found itself overshadowed by modern medical practices that were rapidly gaining global traction.

Despite these challenges, Ayurveda has experienced a remarkable resurgence in Sri Lanka in recent years. This revival can largely be attributed to a growing global interest in alternative therapies and holistic health approaches, which have led to a reevaluation of traditional practices. As a result, Ayurveda has not only regained its footing but has also seen a significant expansion, with numerous Ayurvedic treatment centers now established across the island. These centers cater not only to locals but also to an international clientele seeking natural and effective health solutions that differ from Western medical paradigms.

The resurgence of Ayurveda in Sri Lanka is underpinned by robust governance and oversight. The practice is regulated by the Department of Ayurveda, which falls under the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine. This governmental body ensures that Ayurvedic practices adhere to high standards of quality and safety, facilitating the integration of ancient wisdom with contemporary health needs.

Today, Ayurveda is not just a medical practice but a symbol of Sri Lankan heritage and a testament to the enduring value of its ancient wisdom. As it continues to thrive and expand, Ayurveda offers a unique perspective on health and wellness that is deeply rooted in the natural world and tailored to the individual needs of each person.”



Here’s a polished and expanded version of your description of Ayurvedic treatment centers in Sri Lanka, emphasizing their distinctiveness and therapeutic offerings.

“Ayurvedic treatment centers in Sri Lanka provide an array of specialized treatment options aimed at managing various medical conditions. It is crucial to distinguish these centers from typical spas that offer Ayurvedic massages, as the approach and outcomes are substantially different. In a genuine Ayurvedic center, a qualified Ayurvedic doctor conducts a thorough examination to diagnose your health status and identify any underlying conditions. This holistic assessment is the foundation for a personalized treatment plan.

Ayurveda is not a superficial or quick-fix approach to health; it is a deeply involved process that requires significant preparation. Crafting Ayurveda potions, oils, and ointments involves meticulous preparation using traditional herbs and age-old wisdom. The treatment processes are typically lengthy, and results may take time to manifest. Despite this, Ayurveda has proven to be an effective alternative treatment method, with many patients experiencing success in managing or even resolving their health issues.

In Sri Lanka, numerous Ayurveda hospitals and resorts offer comprehensive treatment plans that go beyond mere symptom management. These establishments aim to transform your lifestyle, incorporating changes that foster long-term health benefits. Depending on your specific needs, treatment plans can vary in duration, from a short stay of three days to an extensive three-month program.

Contrastingly, Ayurveda Spas focus on shorter-term relief and relaxation therapies. These spas offer treatments like Ayurvedic massages, steam baths, and fomentation that are designed to last only a few hours but provide immediate relaxation and rejuvenation.

Experiencing Ayurveda in Sri Lanka offers more than just physical treatments; it is an educational journey into understanding your body, balancing its fundamental elements, and adopting a mindful approach to your diet and stress management through meditation. The ultimate aim of these treatments is not only to heal but also to empower you to lead your most fulfilling life.”




 “Ayurveda, with its profound roots extending over 5,000 years, continues to be an integral part of Sri Lanka’s cultural and medicinal heritage. Historical evidence suggests that the island was home to early Ayurvedic centers dedicated to healing the sick through this ancient practice. Today, this tradition persists, with numerous hospitals and resorts throughout Sri Lanka devoted to Ayurvedic medicine.

Known for its effectiveness in managing a variety of health issues—including hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver—Ayurveda requires a dedicated approach. While it offers significant health benefits, it is important to recognize that Ayurveda is not a quick-fix solution. Achieving and maintaining health through Ayurveda involves a commitment to sustained treatment and lifestyle adjustments.

Moreover, Ayurvedic practices extend beyond the confines of hospitals and resorts. True healing and wellness through Ayurveda involve integrating its principles into daily life. During your stay at an Ayurvedic facility, doctors and therapists will not only treat you but will also educate you on how to continue these practices at home. They will guide you in making dietary changes, adopting stress-reduction techniques, and maintaining a balanced routine to ensure lasting benefits.

Consider embracing a long-term treatment plan at one of Sri Lanka’s esteemed Ayurvedic hospitals or resorts to make a meaningful change in your life. Explore the possibilities of Ayurveda and let this age-old wisdom guide you towards a healthier, more balanced existence.”




“Experiencing genuine Ayurveda spa treatments is one of the most effective ways to achieve a deep sense of relaxation and bliss. In Sri Lanka, authentic Ayurvedic treatments are readily available and offer a unique blend of traditional wellness practices. These treatments, including massages, therapeutic baths, and fomentations, are designed to harness the holistic principles of Ayurveda to foster profound relaxation and rejuvenation.

Many spas on the island have perfected the art of creating their own blends of Ayurvedic oils, ointments, and creams. These bespoke products have garnered popularity among both locals and international visitors, enhancing the spa experience with their natural therapeutic properties.

However, it is important to choose your Ayurveda spa with care to ensure an authentic experience. Not all spas adhere strictly to traditional methods, and the quality can vary significantly. For a list of vetted, reputable Ayurveda spas that promise a genuine and enriching experience, please refer to our curated recommendations.”




 “With numerous Ayurvedic centers and resorts spread across Sri Lanka, selecting one that is located in a destination you’ve always wanted to visit can enhance your experience. Immerse yourself in both the natural beauty and the therapeutic offerings of the island for a truly enriching stay.

  • Approaching Ayurvedic treatments with an open mind is crucial to having an authentic experience. Familiarize yourself with Ayurveda’s many benefits before your visit by reading about its principles and practices. This preliminary knowledge will help you appreciate the depth of the treatments and the philosophy behind them.
  • Cooperation with the Ayurvedic practitioners is essential for a safe and effective treatment process. Be prepared to discuss any allergies or important aspects of your medical history with the doctors. This information is vital to tailor treatments to your specific needs and to prevent any complications during your stay.
  • By choosing thoughtfully, preparing adequately, and engaging openly with your practitioners, you can ensure a profound and healing Ayurvedic experience in Sri Lanka.”



Ayurvedic Treatments



“Shiro Abhyanga is a deeply nourishing Ayurvedic treatment that involves the application of oil to the head, specifically targeting the roots of the hair. This specialized therapy is renowned for its ability to prevent hair loss and premature greying, promoting healthier, more vibrant hair. Beyond its benefits for hair health, Shiro Abhyanga offers profound wellness advantages for the mind and soul.

The gentle and systematic massaging of oil into the scalp works to alleviate tension and fatigue, providing a tranquil escape from the stresses of daily life. This treatment not only relaxes the muscles but also soothes the nerve fibers, enhancing mental clarity and emotional balance. The experience is designed to rejuvenate both the physical body and the mental state, leading to a state of relaxation and well-being that resonates deeply within.

Shiro Abhyanga is more than just a treatment; it is a holistic experience that harmonizes and revitalizes, leaving individuals feeling refreshed and centered. It’s an ideal choice for those seeking to restore peace and vitality through the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda.”



Ayurvedic Facial Massage: A Three-Phase Rejuvenation

The Ayurvedic facial massage is a meticulously designed treatment that unfolds in three distinct phases to maximize the health and radiance of your facial skin.

Face Massage: This initial phase involves gentle but precise strokes that help to release the subtle tensions beneath the skin. This not only enhances facial circulation but also activates reflex points that are connected to the brain, promoting improved function and relaxation.

Scrub: Following the massage, a natural scrub is applied. This phase exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells and impurities, which helps to brighten the complexion and smooth the skin’s texture.

Face Pack and Herbal Steam: The treatment culminates with the application of a nourishing face pack, tailored to your skin type using Ayurvedic ingredients known for their healing properties. The session concludes with a soothing herbal steam that helps the skin absorb the nutrients from the face pack, deeply hydrates the skin, and locks in moisture.

This comprehensive facial not only nourishes and revitalizes the skin but also taps into the deeper neurological benefits by stimulating brain reflex points, enhancing both physical appearance and mental clarity.


Neck and Shoulder Massage (Griva/Skandha Abhyanga):

Complementing the facial treatment, the Griva/Skandha Abhyanga, or neck and shoulder massage, focuses on alleviating tension in areas that commonly harbor stress. This massage employs traditional Ayurvedic oils and techniques to soothe tight muscles, ease neck and shoulder stiffness, and enhance mobility. By focusing on these critical areas, the treatment helps to relieve physical discomfort and reduce the psychological stress associated with tight muscles. The therapeutic touch not only promotes physical relaxation but also aids in mental tranquility, creating a comprehensive wellness experience that rejuvenates both body and mind.

The neck & shoulder areas are quite prone to stiffness & tension and these symptoms can be relieved with an ayurvedic massage that employs herbal oils which release herbal spasms, rheumatic pain & other stress related issues.



“Tension in the arms can stem from a variety of sources, including headaches, neck pain, and shoulder discomfort. Ayurvedic massage offers a therapeutic solution that targets these issues with a holistic approach. By focusing on the shoulders and arms, this type of massage not only nurtures the affected areas but also helps alleviate pain and relax the muscles.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Arm and Shoulder Massage:

Pain Relief: Through specialized techniques, Ayurvedic massage can significantly reduce pain in the shoulders, neck, and head. The massage works to soothe tight muscles and release the knots that often contribute to tension headaches and upper body discomfort.

Muscle Relaxation: The gentle yet effective strokes and manipulation of muscle tissues in Ayurvedic massage encourage relaxation throughout the upper body. This relaxation is crucial for restoring mobility and reducing the stiffness that can exacerbate pain.

Improved Circulation: By enhancing blood flow to the shoulders and arms, Ayurvedic massage helps to speed up the removal of metabolic waste and increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. This improved circulation aids in healing and rejuvenation.

Holistic Well-being: Beyond the physical benefits, Ayurvedic massage incorporates elements that promote overall well-being. It can include the use of warm oils infused with herbs that calm the mind and spirit, enhancing the therapeutic experience.

An Ayurvedic massage is not just a treatment for the symptoms but a nurturing practice that revitalizes the entire body, promoting health and relaxation. It is an ideal approach for those seeking a natural method to manage and alleviate the physical strains linked to arm tension.”



“Ayurvedic hand massages are not only deeply relaxing but also highly beneficial in promoting health and wellness. This therapeutic technique involves stimulating specific acupuncture points and energy meridians that are intricately spread across the hands. By targeting these areas, the massage works to enhance the body’s natural detoxification processes, aiding in the removal of toxins.

Key Benefits of Ayurvedic Hand Massages:

Detoxification: The gentle pressure applied during the massage stimulates various reflex points linked to the body’s organs. This stimulation helps to improve circulation and promote the elimination of toxins, which can improve overall health and vitality.

Improved Function of Organs and Systems: Ayurvedic hand massages influence the function of various bodily systems indirectly through reflexology. By massaging specific points on the hands, signals are sent to corresponding organs, supporting their function and helping to maintain their health.

Stress Reduction: Besides the physical benefits, this type of massage is incredibly effective at reducing stress. The soothing movements and pressure applied during the massage can calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and enhance mental clarity.

Energy Flow: According to Ayurvedic principles, blockages in energy flow within the body can lead to health issues. Hand massages help to clear these blockages, facilitating better energy flow and contributing to improved health and a sense of well-being.

Ayurvedic hand massages offer a unique approach to health maintenance, integrating the physical and energetic aspects of healing. This practice is not only beneficial for those directly seeking relief from physical ailments but also for anyone looking to enhance their overall wellness through holistic means.”



“This specialized leg massage is designed to enhance circulation and deliver essential nutrients to the legs, playing a crucial role in the prevention of varicose veins. By targeting the large muscles of the legs with a combination of techniques, this massage not only helps in eliminating fatigue but also promotes overall leg health.

Key Benefits of Leg Massage:

Improved Circulation: Through deliberate massage techniques, blood flow is increased throughout the legs. This enhanced circulation brings vital nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, which helps strengthen the veins and prevent the development of varicose veins.

Fatigue Reduction: Massaging the large muscles in the legs helps to release tension and eliminate the build-up of lactic acid, which is often responsible for muscle fatigue. This process not only relieves immediate discomfort but also enhances muscle recovery and endurance.

Swelling Reduction: Gentle strokes are applied to the lymph nodes during the massage, which supports the lymphatic system in removing excess fluid from the tissues. This action significantly reduces swelling and discomfort, particularly in individuals who stand or sit for long periods.

Overall Leg Health: Regular leg massages can improve flexibility, reduce pain, and increase range of motion. These benefits contribute to better mobility and quality of life, especially for those with physically demanding lifestyles or conditions that affect the legs.

This type of massage is particularly beneficial for those at risk of circulatory issues, such as office workers, older adults, and individuals with reduced mobility. It is a therapeutic approach



Here’s a detailed description of a specialized foot massage that focuses on tender spots, emphasizing its reflective, soothing, and invigorating effects on internal organs as well as its role in preventing pain and promoting overall wellness:

“Specialized foot massage techniques target tender spots, which are key points connected to various internal organs and bodily systems. This type of massage is renowned for its ability to produce a reflective, soothing, and simultaneously invigorating effect on the body’s internal workings.

Key Benefits of Specialized Foot Massage:

Reflexive Impact on Internal Organs: By focusing on specific tender spots on the feet, this massage influences the health and function of corresponding internal organs. Through reflexology, these targeted manipulations help stimulate improvements in organ performance and general health.

Soothing Effects: The gentle pressure applied to these tender points offers a soothing experience, which can help reduce stress levels and promote a sense of deep relaxation. This relaxation response is crucial for maintaining a healthy mind-body balance.

Invigoration and Vitality: Beyond its soothing qualities, this massage also has an invigorating effect. By enhancing circulation and the flow of energy, it rejuvenates the body, leaving an individual feeling refreshed and energized.

Pain and Fatigue Reduction: Regular foot massages can prevent issues like acute pain, numbness, and fatigue in the feet and legs. By alleviating these symptoms, the massage contributes to better mobility and overall physical well-being.

Overall Wellness: The holistic impact of foot massages extends beyond the feet themselves, influencing the entire body. By ensuring the wellness of internal organs and reducing systemic stress, this massage promotes holistic health and well-being.

Ideal for anyone seeking a non-invasive therapy to enhance health naturally, this type of foot massage is a therapeutic practice that integrates ancient knowledge with modern wellness techniques to offer profound health benefits.”



Udvartana, a distinctive form of Ayurvedic massage, employs herbal powders to offer a rejuvenating and therapeutic experience. This treatment is characterized by its use of vigorous, upward strokes, which invigorate the body and enhance skin and circulatory health.

Key Benefits of Udvartana (Powder Massage):

Cleansing and Exfoliation: The fine herbal powders used in Udvartana act as natural exfoliants. When massaged into the skin with upward strokes, these powders help remove dead skin cells, promoting a clearer and more radiant complexion.

Enhanced Circulation: The specific techniques applied during this massage stimulate blood circulation. Improved circulation not only aids in the more efficient delivery of nutrients to the cells but also enhances overall vitality and skin health.

Fat Reduction: Udvartana is especially renowned for its effectiveness in breaking down fat storage. The dynamic motion and herbal properties of the powders help to mobilize and diminish fat deposits, supporting weight loss and body toning.

Detoxification: This massage technique aids in clearing clogged impurities from the body. By stimulating the lymphatic system, Udvartana promotes the elimination of toxins and helps in purifying the body internally.

Weight Loss and Body Toning: As a result of its fat-breaking and exfoliative properties, Udvartana is highly beneficial in weight management programs. It helps to contour and tone the body, contributing to a firmer and more sculpted physique.

Udvartana not only offers cosmetic benefits but also enhances physiological functions, making it a holistic treatment that promotes health, cleanliness, and rejuvenation. This massage is ideal for those looking to naturally improve their body’s tone and texture while enjoying the detoxifying effects of Ayurvedic herbal powders.



Abhyanga, the traditional Ayurvedic full body massage, is a deeply healing and rejuvenating practice that covers the body from neck to toe. This method is not only a massage; it’s a ritual that integrates the nourishing properties of Ayurvedic oils with systematic massage techniques to enhance physical and emotional well-being.

Key Benefits of Abhyanga (Full Body Massage):

Relief from Obesity and Body Aches: Through the use of specific Ayurvedic oils and strategic massaging techniques, Abhyanga effectively addresses and helps manage conditions such as obesity. The massage aids in the mobilization and reduction of excess body fat, while also alleviating muscle tension and body aches.

Muscle Relaxation: The warm oils used in Abhyanga are carefully selected based on the individual’s dosha (body constitution) and specific health needs. When massaged into the skin, these oils penetrate deeply, allowing muscles to relax thoroughly. This process helps release knots and ease muscle stiffness, providing relief from chronic pain and discomfort.

Enhanced Circulation and Detoxification: The techniques employed in Abhyanga stimulate blood circulation and enhance lymphatic drainage. This helps in detoxifying the body by promoting the removal of waste products and improving overall metabolic functions.

General Rejuvenation: Abhyanga is renowned for its ability to rejuvenate the body. Regular sessions contribute to improved skin texture, enhanced vitality, and a marked increase in energy levels. The holistic impact of this massage extends beyond physical health, promoting emotional balance and mental clarity.

Sense of Wellbeing: The soothing touch of a skilled therapist combined with the therapeutic properties of Ayurvedic oils invokes a profound sense of wellbeing. The aromas of the oils and the calming effect of the massage soothe the nervous system, helping to diminish stress and induce a state of relaxation.

Abhyanga is more than a therapeutic body massage; it’s a vital part of Ayurvedic preventive health care and has been used for thousands of years to maintain health, promote longevity, and balance the body’s energies. This massage is especially recommended for those seeking a natural and holistic approach to health and wellness, integrating physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.



specialized form of Ayurvedic massage, focuses on the back and spine, utilizing pain-reducing herbal oils to deliver deep therapeutic benefits. This massage is meticulously designed to alleviate stress and tension accumulated in the back area, which is often the site of chronic discomfort due to posture, stress, or lifestyle factors.

Key Benefits of Paschima Abhyanga:

Pain Reduction: The herbal oils used in Paschima Abhyanga are selected for their specific analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. When applied along the back and spine, these oils penetrate deep into the tissue, easing pain and reducing inflammation at the source.

Stress Relief: This massage technique not only targets physical pain but also serves as a powerful method for relieving emotional and mental stress. The soothing strokes and pressure applied during the massage help to release built-up tension in the muscles, promoting a sense of relaxation and calm.

Muscle Relaxation: By focusing on the muscles along the spine and back, Paschima Abhyanga helps to relax tight muscles, improving flexibility and motion. This relaxation is crucial for preventing muscle spasms and injuries, especially in individuals who lead sedentary lifestyles or who engage in physical activities.

Enhanced Nervous System Performance: The spine is a vital pathway for nerve signals that control the body. This massage technique enhances the functioning of the nervous system by reducing physical impediments such as muscle tightness and spinal misalignments, which can affect nerve function. Improved nerve function contributes to better overall body responsiveness and health.

Holistic Well-being: The holistic approach of Paschima Abhyanga addresses not just the physical ailments of the back and spine but also enhances overall well-being. The massage promotes better sleep, reduces anxiety, and increases energy levels, contributing to a balanced lifestyle.

Paschima Abhyanga is an excellent choice for those seeking targeted relief for back pain and spinal tension. It offers a holistic remedy that not only alleviates physical discomfort but also promotes mental and emotional health, making it a comprehensive treatment for enhancing life quality.



Piccichil is a highly specialized form of Ayurvedic treatment that epitomizes the unique approach of traditional Indian medicine to rejuvenation and healing. This luxurious treatment involves a continuous, warm stream of medicated oil being poured over the body using a cloth. The gentle but steady flow of oil is synchronized with soft massages performed by skilled practitioners, enhancing the therapeutic effects.

Key Benefits of Piccichil:

Deep Rejuvenation: Piccichil is renowned for its deeply relaxing and rejuvenating effects on the body, promoting a sense of well-being and vitality.

Treatment for Rheumatic Conditions: This method is especially beneficial for individuals suffering from rheumatic conditions such as arthritis. The warm oil helps to lubricate joints and alleviate pain, reducing inflammation and stiffness.

Enhanced Circulation: The warmth of the oil along with the massage stimulates blood circulation, enhancing detoxification and nourishment of body tissues.

Stress Relief: The soothing effect of warm oil combined with gentle massage significantly reduces stress levels, promoting mental relaxation and emotional balance.

Due to its intensive nature, Piccichil is performed under medical supervision to ensure safety and the most effective treatment outcomes.


Herbal Steam Bath (Vashpa Swedha)

Following Ayurvedic treatments like massages, a Herbal Steam Bath, or Vashpa Swedha, can greatly enhance the therapeutic effects. This treatment involves sitting in a steam chamber where steam infused with Ayurvedic herbs envelops the body.

Key Benefits of Vashpa Swedha:

Detoxification: The herbal steam opens pores and induces sweating, which effectively removes toxins from the body.

Enhanced Skin Health: The steam helps to hydrate and cleanse the skin, leaving it soft, smooth, and rejuvenated.

Respiratory Relief: The inhalation of herbal steam can clear the respiratory tract, providing relief from congestion and respiratory ailments.

Muscle Relaxation: The warmth of the steam helps to relax muscles and reduce body aches, complementing the effects of previous massage treatments.

Boosted Immunity: The combination of heat and medicinal herbs boosts the immune system by increasing the body’s white blood cell production.

Herbal Steam Baths are recommended post-massage to maximize absorption of the oils and to enhance the overall benefits of Ayurvedic treatments.



Vashpa Swedha, an integral component of Ayurvedic therapy, is a sophisticated form of sudation that uses herbal-infused steam to introduce heat to the body. This treatment is conducted in a specialized steam box where guests are enveloped in warm herbal steam that permeates the body.

Key Benefits of Vashpa Swedha:

Deep Detoxification: The warm steam opens up the pores, allowing for an intense sweating process that flushes out toxins from the body. This detoxification is enhanced by the properties of the specific herbs used, which are chosen based on the individual’s doshic balance and specific health needs.

Skin Nourishment and Rejuvenation: As the herbal steam bathes the skin, it leaves it feeling supple and nourished. The herbs in the steam contain natural oils and compounds that moisturize and condition the skin, improving its elasticity and overall texture.

Relaxation and Stress Relief: The warmth of the steam helps to relax muscles and reduce tension throughout the body. This relaxation is further supported by the calming effects of the herbs, which can help soothe the mind and reduce stress levels.

Respiratory Benefits: Inhaling the herbal steam can have therapeutic effects on the respiratory system. It helps to clear congestion and other respiratory issues, making breathing easier and more comfortable.

Immunity Boost: The heat and herbal properties together stimulate the body’s natural defense mechanisms. By enhancing circulation and promoting the elimination of toxins, the immune system is strengthened, helping to ward off illnesses.

Vashpa Swedha is typically recommended after other Ayurvedic treatments, such as massages, to maximize the absorption of oils and enhance the overall effectiveness of the therapies. It’s a holistic treatment that not only targets physical purification and rejuvenation but also promotes mental and emotional well-being.



Navarakizhi, also known as Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda, is a distinctive Ayurvedic treatment that utilizes small linen bags (boluses) filled with a special type of rice cooked in milk and herbs. This traditional technique is renowned for its effectiveness in nourishing and rejuvenating the body.

Process of Navarakizhi:

Preparation: The treatment begins with the preparation of the boluses. Navara rice, known for its medicinal properties, is cooked in a mixture of milk and herbal decoctions until it becomes a soft and cohesive mixture. This preparation is then tied up in linen bags to form boluses.

Massage: Before the application of the rice boluses, a gentle full-body massage is performed with warm Ayurvedic oil to prepare the skin and muscles, enhancing the absorption of nutrients.

Application of Boluses: The boluses are periodically dipped in warm medicated milk or herbal decoction and then gently applied all over the body. The therapists perform rhythmic tapping, stroking, and rubbing techniques with the boluses, focusing on muscles and joints.

Key Benefits of Navarakizhi:

Strengthening Body Tissues: The heat and the herbal properties of the rice promote deeper penetration of nutrients into the tissues, strengthening muscles and rejuvenating the entire body.

Pain Relief: This technique is particularly effective in relieving different types of pain and stiffness in the body. It helps reduce inflammation and is beneficial for people suffering from arthritis, paralysis, and other muscular-skeletal ailments.

Improves Circulation: The heat from the boluses enhances blood circulation, which aids in the faster recovery of muscles and tissues, and improves overall health.

Detoxification: Navarakizhi stimulates sweat production, which facilitates the removal of toxins from the body, contributing to improved bodily functions.

Skin Health: The combination of milk, herbs, and rice nourishes the skin, leaving it soft and glowing. The treatment helps in improving the skin’s texture and complexion.

Navarakizhi is a holistic treatment that not only targets physical ailments but also promotes mental relaxation and emotional balance, making it a comprehensive therapy for enhancing overall wellness.



Sharira Ubtan is an Ayurvedic body wrap treatment that involves the application of a therapeutic herbal paste across the entire body. This paste is meticulously prepared using a blend of natural ingredients known for their healing properties.

Preparation and Application:

Herbal Paste: The paste is made from a mixture of ground herbs, grains, and other natural substances like turmeric, sandalwood, aloe vera, and sometimes clay. These ingredients are chosen for their specific skin-benefiting properties and are mixed with soothing liquids such as rose water, milk, or herbal oils to form a smooth paste.

Application: The herbal paste is applied evenly over the entire body, leaving no area untouched. The body is then wrapped in a soft cloth or a specific type of linen that helps the skin absorb the nutrients effectively.

Rest Period: The wrap is left on for a period, typically ranging from 30 to 60 minutes, during which the active ingredients work to detoxify, nourish, and heal the skin.

Key Benefits of Sharira Ubtan:

Revitalization of Body Tissues: The nutrients and medicinal properties of the herbs penetrate deep into the skin, promoting the revitalization and rejuvenation of body tissues.

Treatment for Sunburn and Damaged Skin: The cooling and healing properties of ingredients like aloe vera and sandalwood make this treatment particularly effective for soothing sunburnt skin and repairing damage.

Detoxification: The herbal paste absorbs toxins from the skin and, along with the wrapping process, helps to draw out impurities, leaving the skin refreshed and purified.

Improved Skin Texture and Tone: Regular treatments can improve skin elasticity, reduce signs of aging, and even out skin tone, resulting in smoother and more radiant skin.

Relaxation and Stress Relief: The process is deeply relaxing, with the natural aromas of the herbs providing a calming effect, which reduces stress and promotes a sense of well-being.

Sharira Ubtan is not just a cosmetic treatment but a holistic therapy that beautifies and heals the skin while offering a therapeutic experience that benefits both the mind and body.



Nasna is an Ayurvedic therapy that focuses on the inhalation of medicinal vapors, specifically designed to target the respiratory tract and upper regions of the body. This treatment is traditionally used to clear sinuses and alleviate congestion in the throat, nose, and head areas.

Process of Nasna:

Preparation of Medicinal Vapor: The treatment involves a carefully prepared blend of therapeutic herbs and oils, which are heated to release vapors. Common ingredients might include eucalyptus, camphor, menthol, or other Ayurvedic herbs known for their potent anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties.

Inhalation Method: Under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner, the patient inhales these medicinal vapors through the nostrils. This is often done using a steam inhaler or over a bowl of hot water, with a towel draped over the head to contain the steam.

Key Benefits of Nasna:

Sinus Congestion Relief: The warm, moist vapors help to soften and loosen mucus in the nasal passages and sinuses, facilitating easier breathing and clearing blockages.

Reduction of Excess Humors: According to Ayurvedic principles, Nasna helps balance the body’s humors or doshas, particularly reducing excess Kapha (water and earth elements) in the head and chest, which is often associated with mucus and congestion.

Relief from Headaches and Nasal Irritations: The anti-inflammatory properties of the herbs used in Nasna can significantly reduce discomfort from sinus pressure, headaches, and other related ailments.

Enhanced Respiratory Health: Regular Nasna treatments can improve overall respiratory function by maintaining clear airways and preventing recurrent respiratory issues.

Holistic Wellness: Beyond physical health, the soothing effect of warm herbal vapors also promotes relaxation and mental clarity, contributing to overall well-being.

Nasna is particularly beneficial during cold and allergy seasons, or for those with chronic sinusitis or respiratory conditions. It is a non-invasive, natural method to manage and prevent symptoms associated with nasal and sinus congestion.



Nasya is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy that involves the administration of herbal oils, juices, or powders through the nasal passages. This practice is a key component of Panchakarma, the classical Ayurvedic detoxification therapy, and is revered for its ability to promote relaxation, cleanse the nasal cavities, and enhance overall sinus health.

Process of Nasya Therapy:

Preparation: The patient is usually asked to lie down with their head tilted back to facilitate the easy administration of the nasal medicine. Before applying Nasya, the area around the nose, neck, shoulders, and head may be massaged with warm oil to induce relaxation and to warm the nasal and sinus cavities.

Administration: Depending on the specific condition being treated and the individual’s body type (dosha), an appropriate herbal oil, juice, or powder is selected. This substance is then gently instilled into the nostrils. The patient inhales deeply to allow the medicinal properties to penetrate the sinus cavities and reach the deeper areas of the head.

Key Benefits of Nasya:

Cleansing of Nasal Passages: Nasya helps to clear out accumulated mucus and toxins from the sinus cavities, promoting clearer breathing and preventing nasal congestion.

Relief from Sinusitis Symptoms: Regular administration can significantly alleviate the symptoms of sinusitis, such as sinus pressure, headaches, and nasal congestion.

Pain Relief: Nasya is effective in reducing pain and discomfort in the face, head, and neck areas, often associated with sinus issues or tension.

Enhanced Mental Clarity: By clearing the channels around the head and neck, Nasya can improve cognitive functions and promote a sense of mental clarity and relaxation.

Improved Sleep: As it alleviates tension and headaches, Nasya can lead to better sleep patterns, particularly beneficial for those with sleep disturbances due to sinus issues.

Nasya is especially beneficial for those experiencing chronic sinus problems, migraines, or head and neck tension. It is also used as a preventive measure to maintain optimal health of the nasal passages and sinuses, supporting overall respiratory and neurological health.



Pichu is a specialized Ayurvedic treatment designed primarily for addressing ailments that affect the area above the neck. This therapeutic technique uses a saturated headband to provide sustained oil treatment directly to the head, specifically targeting the crown.

Process of Pichu Therapy:

Headband Application: The treatment begins by placing a soft headband, typically made from cotton or another absorbent material, just above the ears around the head. This positioning ensures that the treatment targets the crown area effectively.

Oil Application: Ayurvedic herbal oil, chosen based on the specific ailments and individual constitution (dosha), is warmed to a soothing temperature. This oil is then repeatedly applied to the headband to keep it thoroughly saturated. The oil slowly seeps onto the scalp through the headband, allowing the scalp and hair follicles to absorb the medicinal properties of the oil continuously.

Duration: The soaked headband is kept in place for a specific period, often ranging from 30 minutes to a few hours, depending on the severity of the condition and the practitioner’s recommendations.

Key Benefits of Pichu:

Targeted Relief for Head Ailments: Pichu is particularly effective for conditions like headaches, migraines, and tension in the cranial region. The constant supply of medicated oil helps to soothe nerves and relax the muscles of the scalp.

Nourishment for Hair and Scalp: The oils used in Pichu are typically rich in nutrients that are beneficial for hair health. Regular treatments can promote hair growth, reduce dandruff, and prevent hair loss.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction: The application of warm oil has a calming effect on the central nervous system, reducing stress and promoting a sense of well-being.

Enhanced Circulation: The warmth from the oil and its herbal components stimulates blood flow to the scalp, enhancing oxygen and nutrient delivery, which can aid in the healing process of various ailments.

Follow-up with Herbal Bath: Often, Pichu is followed by a herbal bath, which not only helps in rinsing away the oil but also extends the therapeutic effects through additional herbal treatments that cleanse and rejuvenate the body.

Pichu is a gentle yet effective Ayurvedic therapy ideal for those suffering from cranial discomforts or seeking preventive care for scalp and hair health. It offers a soothing, restorative experience that enhances both physical and mental well-being.



Urovasti is a targeted Ayurvedic therapy that addresses pain and discomfort in the sternum and the surrounding chest area. This treatment utilizes a unique approach by employing a small, specially designed receptacle that rests directly over the chest, serving as a reservoir for warm medicated oil.

Process of Urovasti Therapy:

Receptacle Placement: The therapy begins with the patient lying on their back. A dough dam made from black gram flour or a similar substance is shaped into a small well or receptacle. This is carefully placed over the chest area, specifically around the sternum, ensuring a snug fit that will hold the oil.

Oil Application: Warm medicated oil, chosen for its properties to relieve pain and inflammation, is slowly poured into the receptacle. The warm oil is kept replenished and is allowed to stand for a specific duration, usually around 30 to 45 minutes, during which time it penetrates deep into the skin and muscle tissue.

Therapeutic Action: The heat and the herbal qualities of the oil work together to soothe and relax the muscles in the chest area. This application helps reduce pain, ease tension, and increase blood circulation to the chest, enhancing the healing process.

Key Benefits of Urovasti:

Pain Relief: Urovasti is highly effective in reducing pain associated with conditions such as costochondritis, sternum injuries, or general chest pain.

Muscle Relaxation: The warmth of the oil helps relax the chest muscles, which can be beneficial for those suffering from tightness or spasms in the upper body.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Many of the oils used in Urovasti possess natural anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce swelling and discomfort in the chest area.

Improved Respiratory Function: By relaxing the chest muscles and reducing tension, Urovasti can also aid in better breathing, particularly beneficial for those with respiratory issues.

Enhanced Circulation: The treatment stimulates blood flow within the chest, promoting better oxygen and nutrient delivery to the heart and lungs, which is essential for overall cardiovascular health.

Urovasti is a comforting and effective treatment for anyone experiencing chest pain or discomfort, offering not only physical relief but also a sense of relaxation and well-being.



Kativasti is a highly specialized form of Ayurvedic therapy designed to address lower back pain and stiffness, particularly focusing on the lumbo-sacral area of the spine. This treatment utilizes a unique method involving warm herbal oils and a dough receptacle for targeted relief.

Process of Kativasti Therapy:

Preparation of Receptacle: The treatment begins with the creation of a small well or dam using dough made from black gram flour. This dough is carefully shaped and placed directly over the lumbo-sacral area of the lower back, forming a seal that can hold liquid.

Herbal Oil Application: Warm medicated herbal oil is then slowly poured into the dough receptacle. The temperature and properties of the oil are chosen based on the specific condition being treated and the individual’s doshic balance. This oil is periodically replenished to maintain warmth and ensure continuous treatment.

Rest Period: After the oil is applied, guests are required to rest, allowing the therapeutic qualities of the oil to penetrate deeply into the tissues and muscles of the lower back. This period of rest typically lasts for about 30 to 45 minutes, during which the heat and the oil work together to soothe and heal.

Key Benefits of Kativasti:

Pain Relief: Kativasti is effective in reducing chronic and acute lower back pain. The warm oil helps to soften the tissues, easing pain and discomfort.

Muscle Relaxation: The treatment relaxes stiff muscles in the lower back, which can be a significant factor in alleviating back pain and improving mobility.

Improved Circulation: The warmth from the oil enhances blood circulation in the lumbo-sacral region, which helps in the healing process and reduces inflammation.

Reduction in Stiffness: Regular Kativasti treatments can significantly reduce stiffness and improve flexibility in the lower back, making daily activities more comfortable and pain-free.

Overall Well-being: By addressing back pain and promoting a relaxed state, Kativasti also contributes to overall mental and physical well-being, helping individuals feel more balanced and at ease.

Kativasti is an ideal treatment for those suffering from conditions like sciatica, slipped discs, or general lower back pain. It combines the therapeutic properties of herbal oils with traditional Ayurvedic techniques to provide relief and promote healing in the lumbo-sacral area.



Step into a realm of ultimate relaxation and holistic rejuvenation with our exquisite Herbal Snana (Bath) ritual. Embark on a sensory journey as you first indulge in a lavish oil massage, enveloping your senses in a cocoon of tranquility and nourishment.

Picture yourself surrounded by the aromatic essence of nature’s bounty as roots, barks, and leaves—each carefully selected for their unique Ayurvedic properties—are delicately infused into a bubbling cauldron of water.

Feel the warmth of the steam as it gently envelopes you, opening your pores and inviting your body to release toxins accumulated from the day’s hustle and bustle. With each passing moment, the essence of these ancient herbs seeps into your skin, penetrating deep to replenish and revitalize.

As you emerge from this restorative ritual, envision a newfound glow emanating from your skin, a testament to the purifying power of nature’s gifts. Let every sensation linger, imprinting upon your soul the blissful harmony of mind, body, and spirit achieved through the transformative magic of Herbal Snana.



Experience the ancient remedy for alleviating pain and stress in the delicate realms surrounding the head with our transcendent Shirodhara therapy. Immerse yourself in the gentle cascade of warm Ayurvedic oils, carefully selected to soothe and rejuvenate both mind and body.

As you recline in serene repose, envision a stream of liquid tranquility flowing gracefully onto the “third eye” area of your forehead, guiding you into a state of profound relaxation and inner balance.

Each session of this divine treatment unfolds over 55 blissful minutes, spanning a therapeutic journey that extends across three consecutive days.

Let the soothing touch of centuries-old wisdom wash over you, dissolving tension and nurturing your spirit with each rhythmic pulse. Rediscover harmony as you surrender to the healing embrace of Shirodhara, a sanctuary of peace amidst life’s tumultuous currents.



Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature’s bounty with our Alepa (Medicinal Herb Plaster), a time-honored remedy crafted to address inflammatory conditions and alleviate bodily discomfort.

Picture a potent blend of medicinal herbs meticulously crafted into a soothing paste, ready to provide targeted relief to inflamed areas of the body.

With gentle precision, our skilled practitioners apply this herbal plaster to the afflicted regions, where its cooling touch begins to work its magic.

As the herbal essence seeps into your skin, feel a sense of relief wash over you, soothing away the aches and pains that have burdened you.

Embrace the natural harmony restored to your body as the Alepa works tirelessly to ease discomfort and promote well-being.

Step into a realm of comfort and vitality, where ancient wisdom and modern healing converge to offer you the solace you seek.



Embark on a journey of ancient healing with Fomentation, a cherished Ayurvedic practice designed to soothe and rejuvenate the body.

Picture a tranquil sanctuary where the essence of nature’s healing herbs is harnessed to ease discomfort and restore balance.

Following a serene massage to prepare the body, experience the gentle application of heated compresses filled with a blend of fragrant fresh and dried herbs.

As the warmth penetrates deep into your muscles, envision tension melting away, replaced by a profound sense of relief and relaxation.

Whether you’re battling sciatica, sprains, cramps, or other aches, allow the therapeutic touch of Fomentation to offer respite from your struggles.

Embrace the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda as it manifests in this sacred ritual, guiding you toward a state of harmony and well-being.



Indulge in the luxurious experience of Vera Thavaruma, an exotic body glow treatment meticulously crafted to revive and rejuvenate your skin to its radiant best.

Begin your journey with a sumptuous full-body massage, tenderly administered to ease away tension and promote deep relaxation. Feel the skilled hands of our practitioners envelop you in a soothing embrace, as they coax your body into a state of blissful surrender.

Next, immerse yourself in the transformative power of our signature body wrap, infused with authentic Ayurvedic ingredients chosen for their ability to nourish and revitalize. Picture yourself cocooned in a gentle embrace of nature’s finest, as the potent blend works its magic, stimulating the growth of new skin and replenishing tired tissues.

As you emerge from this enchanting ritual, envision a radiant glow emanating from every pore, a testament to the rejuvenating effects of Vera Thavaruma. Let every sensation linger, as you revel in the newfound vitality and luminosity of your skin.

Step into a world where beauty meets wellness, and let Vera Thavaruma unveil the vibrant, luminous skin you were meant to possess.



Embark on a harmonious journey with Chavya Lankaraya, a blissful fusion of ancient wisdom and natural indulgence designed to align your body with the rhythms of nature.

Experience the gentle caress of Ayurvedic oil gel as it is skillfully applied to your body, infused with the essence of botanical treasures. Envision the soothing touch of systematic massage techniques, guiding you towards a state of profound relaxation and inner balance.

Feel the tension melt away as your muscles yield to the therapeutic embrace of this enriching treatment, enhancing your body’s suppleness with each nurturing stroke.

As the ritual unfolds, immerse yourself in the rejuvenating waters of a herbal bath, where the healing properties of nature envelop you in a revitalizing embrace. Picture yourself immersed in a sanctuary of tranquility, where every drop of water carries the essence of ancient herbs, nurturing your body and soul.

Embrace the synergy of body and nature as you emerge from Chavya Lankaraya, feeling renewed, invigorated, and in perfect harmony with the world around you.



Experience the transformative magic of Vakthra Shuddhi, Nature’s Facelift, a rejuvenating oasis for those seeking to restore the natural beauty of their skin.

Begin your journey with a gentle yet invigorating scrub, meticulously crafted to exfoliate away the burdens of everyday life and unveil the radiant glow hidden beneath. Envision the subtle dance of botanical ingredients as they work their magic, leaving your skin refreshed and revitalized.

Next, surrender to the indulgent embrace of our nourishing face mask, carefully formulated to address a myriad of skin concerns, from wrinkles and dehydration to dullness, oiliness, and blemishes. Feel the potent blend of Ayurvedic herbs infuse your skin with moisture, vitality, and a renewed sense of radiance.

As the mask works its wonders, envision a sense of purification washing over you, cleansing not just your skin but your spirit as well.

Complete your journey with a gentle face wash, enriched with the healing touch of Ayurveda, to leave your skin feeling soft, supple, and utterly rejuvenated.

Embrace the transformative power of Vakthra Shuddhi, and rediscover the beauty that lies within, waiting to be unveiled by the nurturing embrace of nature.



Step into a realm of tranquility and renewal with Padha Lankaraya, a sanctuary for tired and stressed feet seeking solace and rejuvenation.

Begin your journey with a luxurious foot massage, expertly administered to ease away tension and fatigue, melting the cares of the day with each nurturing touch.

Next, surrender to the comforting embrace of our soothing foot wrap, meticulously crafted to alleviate pain, soften skin, and reduce the effects of cracked heels. Envision your feet enveloped in a cocoon of relaxation, as the healing properties of Ayurvedic herbs work their magic, restoring vitality and suppleness to weary soles.

As the foot wrap works its wonders, prepare to embark on a journey of ultimate renewal with our Ayurvedic foot bath. Immerse your feet in a soothing blend of herbal infusions, where the gentle caress of warm water washes away stress and tension, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Complete your experience with a tranquil pebble walk, where each step brings you closer to a state of inner harmony and well-being. Feel the tension melt away with every footfall, as you reconnect with the earth beneath you and embrace the serenity of the present moment.

Embrace the healing touch of Padha Lankaraya, and let the restorative power of nature guide you toward a state of profound relaxation and renewal.



Immerse yourself in the luxurious embrace of “Pamper Me – Radiant Look,” a blissful sanctuary where stressed skin finds renewal and radiance.

Begin your journey with a gentle yet invigorating massage, expertly administered to melt away tension and restore balance to body and soul. Envision the soothing touch of skilled hands as they coax tired muscles into a state of blissful relaxation, paving the way for radiant beauty to emerge.

Next, indulge in the transformative power of our body scrub, meticulously crafted to exfoliate away impurities and unveil the luminous glow hidden beneath. Picture yourself enveloped in a fragrant veil of botanical treasures, as the potent blend works its magic to revitalize skin tissue and stimulate the growth of new, vibrant skin.

As the scrub gently buffs away dullness and fatigue, prepare to immerse yourself in the healing embrace of deep fomentation. Feel the warmth penetrate deep into your pores, melting away stress and tension while nourishing your skin from within.

Experience the rejuvenating effects of “Pamper Me – Radiant Look” as you emerge from this indulgent ritual, feeling refreshed, revitalized, and utterly radiant from head to toe. Let every sensation linger, as you bask in the glow of newfound beauty and inner harmony.



Embark on a journey of revitalization with Preenaya, our exquisite Body Polish treatment designed to unveil your skin’s natural radiance and vitality.

Picture yourself enveloped in a luxurious blend of sea salt and Ayurvedic oils, as skilled hands gently massage away impurities and unveil the luminous glow hidden beneath. Feel the subtle exfoliation as the sea salt buffs away dullness, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

As the treatment progresses, envision the gentle warmth of deep fomentation enveloping your body, penetrating deep into your pores to alleviate rheumatic pain and nourish your skin from within.

Experience the rejuvenating effects of enhanced circulation as your body responds to the therapeutic touch, feeling invigorated and alive with newfound energy.

As you emerge from this indulgent ritual, envision a radiant complexion that reflects the inner beauty and vitality that lies within. Let every sensation linger, as you bask in the glow of renewed skin and a revitalized spirit.

Step into the embrace of Preenaya, and let the transformative power of sea salt and Ayurvedic oils unveil the radiant beauty that lies within you.



Step into a haven of tranquility with Shirochikithsa, a divine treatment tailored to alleviate stress and tension, focusing on the areas of the back, neck, and shoulders.

Envision skilled hands applying gentle pressure to tired muscles, coaxing them into a state of blissful relaxation. Feel the weight of the world melt away as tension dissolves under the nurturing touch of our practitioners.

As the treatment unfolds, immerse yourself in the soothing sensation of a head massage, where each stroke releases the burdens of the mind and promotes a sense of profound serenity.

Experience the transformative power of Shirochikithsa as stress is gently eased from your body and mind, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and restored.

Step out of the treatment room feeling lighter, freer, and ready to embrace life’s challenges with renewed vigor. Embrace the gift of relaxation and let Shirochikithsa guide you towards a state of inner peace and harmony.



Embark on a transformative journey towards a slimmer, more toned physique with Kayalaguthwaya, a holistic treatment crafted to sculpt and refine your body contours.

Imagine being enveloped in a cloud of aromatic herbs as skilled hands apply a special powder with potent fat-eliminating properties to your body. Feel the gentle yet invigorating massage technique as it works to break down stubborn fat deposits, stimulating circulation and promoting lymphatic drainage.

As the treatment progresses, surrender to the soothing warmth of a steam bath infused with Ayurvedic leaves, where the healing properties of nature penetrate deep into your pores, detoxifying and purifying your body from within.

Experience the transformative power of Kayalaguthwaya as excess weight melts away, revealing a slimmer, more sculpted silhouette.

Conclude your journey with a final steam bath, allowing the therapeutic heat to further enhance the effects of the treatment and leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Step into a new chapter of your wellness journey with Kayalaguthwaya, and embrace the opportunity to achieve your slimming and toning goals in a nurturing and holistic environment.



Experience the ultimate indulgence with our Ayur Full Body Wrap, a luxurious treatment infused with the healing power of Ayurvedic ingredients, designed to soothe away aches and pains while nurturing your body back to a state of radiant health.

Picture yourself enveloped in a cocoon of herbal goodness as the body wrap gently embraces you, releasing tension and promoting deep relaxation. Feel the potent blend of Ayurvedic herbs seep into your skin, penetrating deep to soothe sore muscles and joints, while nourishing and revitalizing your entire being.

As the treatment unfolds, envision a sense of tranquility washing over you, as every care and concern melts away under the nurturing touch of ancient wisdom.

Embrace the opportunity to reconnect with your body and soul as you surrender to the restorative power of our Ayur Full Body Wrap, emerging feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to embrace life’s journey with renewed vitality.